Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Salient Features of Quintuplex Frac Pump

Fracking pumps also known in oil exploration parlance as frac pump extricate shale oil and gas from deep surfaces with relative ease. The extricating process involves the cracking the rock or surface with a fluid.  The natural gas and petroleum gradually rises through the crevice created by the frac pump. Here are a few important features of the pump and its operation

Fracturing the surface to get the oil to the surface

A quintuplex frac pump performs the task of fracturing the surface and paving the way or a pathway for oil or gas to reach the surface.  As the method involves the fracturing of surface, it needs to be precise and of the right pressure. A quintuplex frac pump needs be aligned at the right location to get the best results, which can be achieved better by the right engineering. And we, at Shalepumps offer one of the most perfectly designed and manufactured pumps.

Hydraulic fracturing performance determined by the fluid media directed downwards

The nature of the operations renders the action of the fluid media important. In other words, the effectiveness of the pumping equipment to direct the fluid media down a well at high pressure determines the eventual success of the process. A quintuplex frac pump directs the fluid under great pressure with accuracy to fracture help in production.

The shift from vertical to horizontal

The greatest challenges and successes in fracking operations were the shift from vertical operations to horizontal operations. This change from vertical to horizontal impacted the design of pumps, leading to not just powerful pumps, but pumps that had a high threshold for sustained operations. Shalepumps with inception dating back to many decades was one among the many companies that embraced the change swiftly.

A large number of rigs operate with the horizontal alignment requirement, making it one of the most preferred among rigs. With a heavy percentage of a whopping 48 percent of all rigs, it has become all the more important for manufacturers to build better and powerful quintuplex frac pumps to operate in horizontal alignment with newer challenges. 

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